3D modeling - cast iron
Experimentally based modeling of the correlation between metallurgical process control, 3D microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of pearlitic nodular cast iron
The morphological variety of the microstructure of pearlitic nodular graphite cast irons offers the possibility of covering a wide range of mechanical properties by its selective adjustment.
In addition to varying process parameters, the resulting microstructure is also determined by the wide range of alloying elements present in modern cast irons.
The predominantly empirical studies have so far not led to a sustainable understanding of microstructure development and the resulting mechanical properties, such that there is a lack of numerical design tools with which required microstructures can be adjusted in a selective and reproducible manner regarding to application-relevant requirements.
Project contents and objectives
The overall objective of the project is to develop an integrated simulation chain for the prediction and selective adjustment of the 3D microstructure development and associated effective mechanical properties as a function of metallurgical process parameters. With this, an improved understanding and more efficient use of the correlation between metallurgical process control, spatial microstructure development and mechanical properties of pearlitic nodular cast irons shall be achieved. This requires an understanding of the formation and effect of the individual microstructure and alloying constituents, which is to be achieved and extended by a close interaction of experimental and numerical methods.
Project partner
- Gießerei-Institut, RWTH Aachen University (GI)
Funded by German Research Society